Module static_topo_impl.model.stackstate_receiver

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from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List

from schematics import Model
from schematics.transforms import blacklist, wholelist
from schematics.types import (BooleanType, DictType, IntType, ListType,
                              ModelType, StringType)
from static_topo_impl.model.stackstate import (AnyType, Component, Event,
                                               HealthCheckState, Relation,

class Instance(Model):
    instance_type: str = StringType(required=True, serialized_name="type")
    url: str = StringType(required=True)

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}

class TopologySync(Model):
    start_snapshot: bool = BooleanType(default=True)
    stop_snapshot: bool = BooleanType(default=True)
    instance: Instance = ModelType(Instance, required=True)
    delete_ids: List[str] = ListType(StringType(), default=[])
    components: List[Component] = ListType(ModelType(Component), default=[])
    relations: List[Relation] = ListType(ModelType(Relation), default=[])

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}

class HealthSyncStartSnapshot(Model):
    expiry_interval_s: int = IntType()
    repeat_interval_s: int = IntType(required=True, default=1800)  # 30 Minutes

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": blacklist("expiry_interval_s")}

class HealthStream(Model):
    urn: str = StringType(required=True)
    sub_stream_id: str = StringType()

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": blacklist("sub_stream_id")}

class HealthSync(Model):
    start_snapshot: HealthSyncStartSnapshot = ModelType(HealthSyncStartSnapshot, required=True)
    stop_snapshot: Dict[str, Any] = DictType(AnyType, required=True, default={})
    stream: HealthStream = ModelType(HealthStream, required=True)
    check_states: List[HealthCheckState] = ListType(ModelType(HealthCheckState), default=[])

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}

class ReceiverApi(Model):
    apiKey: str = StringType(required=True)
    collection_timestamp: datetime = TimestampType(required=True)
    internal_hostname: str = StringType(required=True, serialized_name="internalHostname")
    events: Dict[str, List[Event]] = DictType(ListType(ModelType(Event), default=[]), default={})
    metrics: List[Any] = ListType(AnyType(), default=[])
    service_checks: List[Any] = ListType(AnyType(), default=[])
    health: List[HealthSync] = ListType(ModelType(HealthSync), default=[])
    topologies: List[TopologySync] = ListType(ModelType(TopologySync), default=[])

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}

class SyncStats(Model):
    components: int = IntType()
    relations: int = IntType()
    checks: int = IntType()
    events: int = IntType()
    payloads: List[str] = ListType(StringType, default=[])


class HealthStream (raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)

Enclosure for fields and validation. Same pattern deployed by Django models, SQLAlchemy declarative extension and other developer friendly libraries.

:param Mapping raw_data: The data to be imported into the model instance. :param Mapping deserialize_mapping: Can be used to provide alternative input names for fields. Values may be strings or lists of strings, keyed by the actual field name. :param bool partial: Allow partial data to validate. Essentially drops the required=True settings from field definitions. Default: True :param bool strict: Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: True

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class HealthStream(Model):
    urn: str = StringType(required=True)
    sub_stream_id: str = StringType()

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": blacklist("sub_stream_id")}


  • schematics.deprecated.patch_models..Model
  • schematics.deprecated.ModelCompatibilityMixin
  • schematics.models.Model

Class variables

var Options
var sub_stream_id : str
var urn : str
class HealthSync (raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)

Enclosure for fields and validation. Same pattern deployed by Django models, SQLAlchemy declarative extension and other developer friendly libraries.

:param Mapping raw_data: The data to be imported into the model instance. :param Mapping deserialize_mapping: Can be used to provide alternative input names for fields. Values may be strings or lists of strings, keyed by the actual field name. :param bool partial: Allow partial data to validate. Essentially drops the required=True settings from field definitions. Default: True :param bool strict: Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: True

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class HealthSync(Model):
    start_snapshot: HealthSyncStartSnapshot = ModelType(HealthSyncStartSnapshot, required=True)
    stop_snapshot: Dict[str, Any] = DictType(AnyType, required=True, default={})
    stream: HealthStream = ModelType(HealthStream, required=True)
    check_states: List[HealthCheckState] = ListType(ModelType(HealthCheckState), default=[])

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}


  • schematics.deprecated.patch_models..Model
  • schematics.deprecated.ModelCompatibilityMixin
  • schematics.models.Model

Class variables

var Options
var check_states : List[HealthCheckState]
var start_snapshotHealthSyncStartSnapshot
var stop_snapshot : Dict[str, Any]
var streamHealthStream
class HealthSyncStartSnapshot (raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)

Enclosure for fields and validation. Same pattern deployed by Django models, SQLAlchemy declarative extension and other developer friendly libraries.

:param Mapping raw_data: The data to be imported into the model instance. :param Mapping deserialize_mapping: Can be used to provide alternative input names for fields. Values may be strings or lists of strings, keyed by the actual field name. :param bool partial: Allow partial data to validate. Essentially drops the required=True settings from field definitions. Default: True :param bool strict: Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: True

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class HealthSyncStartSnapshot(Model):
    expiry_interval_s: int = IntType()
    repeat_interval_s: int = IntType(required=True, default=1800)  # 30 Minutes

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": blacklist("expiry_interval_s")}


  • schematics.deprecated.patch_models..Model
  • schematics.deprecated.ModelCompatibilityMixin
  • schematics.models.Model

Class variables

var Options
var expiry_interval_s : int
var repeat_interval_s : int
class Instance (raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)

Enclosure for fields and validation. Same pattern deployed by Django models, SQLAlchemy declarative extension and other developer friendly libraries.

:param Mapping raw_data: The data to be imported into the model instance. :param Mapping deserialize_mapping: Can be used to provide alternative input names for fields. Values may be strings or lists of strings, keyed by the actual field name. :param bool partial: Allow partial data to validate. Essentially drops the required=True settings from field definitions. Default: True :param bool strict: Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: True

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class Instance(Model):
    instance_type: str = StringType(required=True, serialized_name="type")
    url: str = StringType(required=True)

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}


  • schematics.deprecated.patch_models..Model
  • schematics.deprecated.ModelCompatibilityMixin
  • schematics.models.Model

Class variables

var Options
var instance_type : str
var url : str
class ReceiverApi (raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)

Enclosure for fields and validation. Same pattern deployed by Django models, SQLAlchemy declarative extension and other developer friendly libraries.

:param Mapping raw_data: The data to be imported into the model instance. :param Mapping deserialize_mapping: Can be used to provide alternative input names for fields. Values may be strings or lists of strings, keyed by the actual field name. :param bool partial: Allow partial data to validate. Essentially drops the required=True settings from field definitions. Default: True :param bool strict: Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: True

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class ReceiverApi(Model):
    apiKey: str = StringType(required=True)
    collection_timestamp: datetime = TimestampType(required=True)
    internal_hostname: str = StringType(required=True, serialized_name="internalHostname")
    events: Dict[str, List[Event]] = DictType(ListType(ModelType(Event), default=[]), default={})
    metrics: List[Any] = ListType(AnyType(), default=[])
    service_checks: List[Any] = ListType(AnyType(), default=[])
    health: List[HealthSync] = ListType(ModelType(HealthSync), default=[])
    topologies: List[TopologySync] = ListType(ModelType(TopologySync), default=[])

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}


  • schematics.deprecated.patch_models..Model
  • schematics.deprecated.ModelCompatibilityMixin
  • schematics.models.Model

Class variables

var Options
var apiKey : str
var collection_timestamp : datetime.datetime
var events : Dict[str, List[Event]]
var health : List[HealthSync]
var internal_hostname : str
var metrics : List[Any]
var service_checks : List[Any]
var topologies : List[TopologySync]
class SyncStats (raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)

Enclosure for fields and validation. Same pattern deployed by Django models, SQLAlchemy declarative extension and other developer friendly libraries.

:param Mapping raw_data: The data to be imported into the model instance. :param Mapping deserialize_mapping: Can be used to provide alternative input names for fields. Values may be strings or lists of strings, keyed by the actual field name. :param bool partial: Allow partial data to validate. Essentially drops the required=True settings from field definitions. Default: True :param bool strict: Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: True

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class SyncStats(Model):
    components: int = IntType()
    relations: int = IntType()
    checks: int = IntType()
    events: int = IntType()
    payloads: List[str] = ListType(StringType, default=[])


  • schematics.deprecated.patch_models..Model
  • schematics.deprecated.ModelCompatibilityMixin
  • schematics.models.Model

Class variables

var checks : int
var components : int
var events : int
var payloads : List[str]
var relations : int
class TopologySync (raw_data=None, trusted_data=None, deserialize_mapping=None, init=True, partial=True, strict=True, validate=False, app_data=None, lazy=False, **kwargs)

Enclosure for fields and validation. Same pattern deployed by Django models, SQLAlchemy declarative extension and other developer friendly libraries.

:param Mapping raw_data: The data to be imported into the model instance. :param Mapping deserialize_mapping: Can be used to provide alternative input names for fields. Values may be strings or lists of strings, keyed by the actual field name. :param bool partial: Allow partial data to validate. Essentially drops the required=True settings from field definitions. Default: True :param bool strict: Complain about unrecognized keys. Default: True

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class TopologySync(Model):
    start_snapshot: bool = BooleanType(default=True)
    stop_snapshot: bool = BooleanType(default=True)
    instance: Instance = ModelType(Instance, required=True)
    delete_ids: List[str] = ListType(StringType(), default=[])
    components: List[Component] = ListType(ModelType(Component), default=[])
    relations: List[Relation] = ListType(ModelType(Relation), default=[])

    class Options:
        roles = {"public": wholelist()}


  • schematics.deprecated.patch_models..Model
  • schematics.deprecated.ModelCompatibilityMixin
  • schematics.models.Model

Class variables

var Options
var components : List[Component]
var delete_ids : List[str]
var instanceInstance
var relations : List[Relation]
var start_snapshot : bool
var stop_snapshot : bool